About us

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Article: About us

DB Rail Academy is Deutsche Bahn's full service training provider for the global rail and transport sector.


DB Rail Academy meets the specific qualification requirements of the railway industry.

Well qualified railway staff is a valuable but rare asset. A fact that also DB Engineering & Consulting GmbH, Deutsche Bahn's engineering and consulting company, has experienced in many past projects worldwide. As a result, the demand for high-quality training and further education in this field has risen. DB Engineering & Consulting met the demand and established DB Rail Academy.

As full service training provider we unite the entire know-how of Deutsche Bahn and bring it to our clients.  We impart it in practice-oriented training courses for all areas, from infrastructure and rolling stock technology through maintenance and operation to digitalization and logistics. It is our core task to enable our clients to reach the next level. A wealth of experience from 180 years of successful railway business at Deutsche Bahn is the key to do so.

We get our clients ready for the railway world of tomorrow.


DB Rail Academy’s mission is to be a first class education provider for rail and transport.

We link the transport sector by pooling the global expertise of various experts. With our training methods we expand the know-how and competencies of local experts. Our tailored and modularized approaches enable young graduates and experienced employees at the same time to become transport experts. Our education and training is professional, innovative, certified and sustainable.


DB Rail Academy's methodology is based on the TRAIN approach.

  • Transfer - We offer hands-on and easy to apply learning experiences. That makes transfer into workplace easy.

  • Ressources - We respect and include the needs of our learners and make use of their knowledge and competencies.

  • Activity - We enable self-directed learning with active learning settings and a variety of learning methods.

  • Initiative - We foster the learners initiative with our passion for learning and a learning atmosphere that encourages people.

  • SustaiNability - We use genuine and challenging learning situations. Our leaning settings support the improvement of individual problem solving skills instead of teaching knowledge.

Our training methodology TRAIN provides a higher learning success, sustainable learning results and ensures sustainable skills development from theory to daily business.

Together with Rolf Arnold, PhD, from TU Kaiserslautern DB Rail Academy developed the TRAIN methodology.

Our experts have many years of experience and a broad specific knowledge in over 500 professions. Our methodology is designed to ensure the knowledge transfer of our experts in the most efficient way. Therefore, we offer a variety of learning solutions: 

  • interactive classroom training
  • simulations
  • e-learning
  • blended learning
  • study tours
  • and much more

We work with defined, transparent processes (ISO 9001) to guarantee high-quality training for our clients. The following graphics illustrate how it works. The participants can choose their preferred way of participation in the trainings.