Article: Whistleblowing at DB
You would like to submit a report? Here you will find an overview of the reporting channels available to you.
Compliance with legal regulations, internal guidelines, such as the Code of Conduct, and ethical principles is of the utmost importance within the DB Group. Our whistleblowing system serves to identify possible violations in this context by employees or business partners of Deutsche Bahn AG at an early stage and to prevent them as quickly as possible by taking appropriate measures.
The protection of whistleblowers is at all times guaranteed in accordance with the legal requirements. All reports are treated with the utmost confidentiality. Whistleblowers also have the option of submitting reports anonymously. Our procedure is designed to be objective and unbiased and to ensure fair and timely investigations. For those affected, the presumption of innocence is maintained until the violation is proven.
If you have information on possible violations of the law, you can safely submit it via our reporting channels described below. Please submit reports to the best of your knowledge and belief and indicate any assumptions and your own conclusions. Your report is of great importance for the detection of violations and the maintenance of a transparent working environment in our organization in line with our values and the continuous improvement of our company.
Reporting Office Compliance
Deutsche Bahn AG – Compliance Whistleblowing Team, Potsdamer Platz 2, 10785 Berlin, GermanyWhistleblowing@deutschebahn.comOnline-Whistleblowing System BKMS®Attorneys of trust
+49 30 297 62710 – Available by telephone from Monday to Friday from 10:00 am to 3:00 pmReporting Office for Sustainability and Environment
For violations of human and environmental rights as well as risks in this context and for complaints procedures in accordance with the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz, LkSG), please contact the responsible Reporting Office for Sustainability and Environment.
How do I submit a report correctly?
In order for your report to be handled and investigated appropriately, it is important that the report is as specific as possible. It would be helpful if you consider the five W-Questions in your report.
Describe the situation and consider the following:
- What happened?
- Where did the incident take place?
- When was the incident? If possible, state the period, date and time.
- Why and how often did it happen?
- Who was involved? Who is affected?
Before submitting a report, please check carefully whether the information you wish to provide is correct. Please identify mere assumptions or your own conclusions as such. You can also submit a report without concrete evidence. The report will be checked and investigated further if there are sufficient grounds for suspicion.
It is helpful if you are available to answer questions for the responsible DB employees. This is also possible if you wish to submit an anonymous report; you are welcome to use the secured postbox via the Online Whistleblowing System BKMS® (Business Keeper Monitoring System®).
We would also like to point out that the intentional or grossly negligent making of false accusations can have consequences under criminal and civil law.
How can I report?
You can submit reports either by stating your name or anonymously. The following reporting channels exist within the DB Group:
- The Online Whistleblowing System BKMS® offers anonymous, web-based access for submitting whistleblowing reports and is available in twenty-two languages at any time. By setting up a secured postbox in the whistleblowing system, it is also possible to communicate anonymously with the responsible DB employees. The tool is managed by an independent operator. The data is stored on protected servers in Germany. The content of the reports is processed exclusively by specially trained DB employees who are obliged to maintain confidentiality.
- You also have the option of contacting us by telephone, e-mail, post or in person using the contact options listed above. For a personal appointment, please make an appointment in advance by telephone or e-mail.
- In addition to the above-mentioned options, our lawyers of trust (see above) are available to you for reports to the Compliance Reporting Office. These are independent lawyers who work in Berlin, Frankfurt am Main and Stuttgart. You can contact them confidentially at any time - even anonymously.
What can I report?
You can report any suspicion of a possible violation of legal regulations - for example fraud, embezzlement or corruption offences - that has a link to the DB Group. Examples include potential violations by DB's business partners, including serious risks and human rights and environmental violations by direct and indirect suppliers, as well as reports of possible violations committed by DB Group employees.
Please note that customer complaints about DB products or services are not handled by the responsible reporting offices; these do not qualify as whistleblower reports.
Who can submit reports?
The whistleblowing system is basically open to everyone, i.e., people outside the DB Group can also report potential violations linked to DB Group.
How is my identity treated confidentially?
The protection of whistleblowers and the confidential treatment of your report is of great importance to Deutsche Bahn. The content of the reports is handled exclusively by specially trained DB employees who are obliged to maintain confidentiality. All reports are treated confidentially and in compliance with data protection regulations. Reports can also be submitted anonymously.
What ist the next step after my report?
Upon receipt of your report, it will first be checked for conclusiveness or validity, i.e., it will be examined whether there are sufficient concrete, comprehensible indications of a violation of the law and whether a link to the DB Group is recognizable. If this is the case, further steps are taken to clarify the facts. If whistleblowers leave contact details or set up a secured postbox for a report via the BKMS® Online Whistleblowing System, you will receive a confirmation of receipt.
You can find the data protection information on the page Notes on data privacy.
External reporting office of the Federal Office of Justice.