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  • Article: Datumate

    Analysis and visualization of drone images enabling remote supervision, progress tracking and enhanced quality assurance!

    Datumate is an Israeli ConTech company offering DatuBIM, a cloud-based construction data analytics platform that ensures certainty and speeds up delivery of infrastructure construction projects.

    Based on aerial mapping, 3D modeling and Artificial Intelligence (AI), DatuBIM platform analyzes and automates the measuring, tracking and inspection processes, enabling to improve efficiency, increase quality and reduce construction costs.

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    Datumate helps engineers digitize and automate surveying work. Datumate offers intuitive and automated solutions that use drone images to quickly and precisely provide data on planning and construction progress or the inspection of infrastructure projects such as railway lines.

    The drones fly over a previously defined area and return with a large number of photos. The recordings are also automatically used to draw 2D maps and calculate 3D models. By storing the data in a cloud, the results are easily accessible for everyone involved in the company at any time. Potential problems in the construction process can thus be identified at an early stage.

    The method is more cost-effective than traditional survey work, which often involves several employees traveling in the field for days to collect the data.

    Datumate took part in Deutsche Bahn's DB mindbox Startup funding program in 2017 and tested its technology in various pilot projects.

    Datumate and Deutsche Bahn worked together in 2018 on the expansion project for the western Höllentalbahn Freiburg-Titisee-Neustadt in the Breisgau S-Bahn network. With the help of Datumate's solutions, the construction progress was documented on the basis of models calculated from aerial photographs. The data obtained from the drones is also used to control the accounting for earth movements and is used to inform the public about the construction project.

    Beginning of 2022, Datumate was awarded a Deutsche Bahn AG multi-year tender for the analysis and visualization of drone images to monitor the construction progress of railway infrastructure projects!

    Datumate will provide services to DB based on DatuBIM cloud-based construction data analytics platform. Services include the digital progress monitoring of construction projects, quality assurance, and comparison of schedule versus plan.

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